The new model is based on the agreement with the city of Munich that it will compensate possible losses for the MVV caused by the Semesterticket during a test period. Therefore, the prices of the solidary fee as well as the supplement are lower with respect to the proposal put to a vote three years ago.
The proposal is like the last one a split-ticket (Sockelmodell) to limit the costs for those who hardly use public transport.

Figure: The split-ticket model
The total price is composed of an obligatory solidary fee and an optional semester pass. Please refer to the figure.
The solidary fee
Upon paying the solidary fee of 59 Euros per semester every student gets a MVV-pass for the entire network valid in the evenings (6 p.m. – 6 a.m.) and on weekends as well as public holidays 24 hrs., so you can use public transport to get to the next party or for your weekend trips.
Why only this model is possible in Munich due to legal restrictions, you can learn in the FAQs.
The semester pass (supplement)
Obtaining the supplement for 141 Euros per semester is optional and enables to use public transport 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The supplement can be bought, but there is no obligation: The benefits of the solidary fee can be combined with any other MVV fare, e.g. the Ausbildungstarif II, strip tickets, day tickets, etc. With respect to one-component semester passes (common at most German universities), the split-ticket model is a better fit for students who use public transport very often and for those who hardly do.
The payment of the solidary fee by all students makes the cheaper total price of the semester pass of 200 Euro possible. With costs of less than 10 Euros per month we could achieve the least possible charge for those who do not use public transport. This amount can be less than the money spent on strip tickets etc. Please calculate your costs.
For further questions, please refer to the FAQs.
More infos on this separate page.
With the semester pass and the solidary fee you can use the entire MVV network. This includes the use of regional trains until the last stop in the network, for example on your way home. On the way Landshut for instance your ticket is valid until reaching Moosburg and you can save more than 10 Euro with respect to a single ticket.
Furthermore, you can reach many destinations in the Munich area without additional costs like the Starnberg Lake or the Allianz-Arena or the airport.
To the vote & possible availability
A semester pass will only be introduced, if a majority of the students back the proposal. Only if more than 50% at each of the schools LMU, TUM and HM vote in favour, the pass will be available from winter semester 2013/14 beginning October 2013. For the ballot to be valid at each school, a minimum participation / quorum of at least 20% of the students is necessary. The prices given above are valid at the time the pass might be introduced.
Participate and vote!